Questions and answers
How do I get started?
Getting started with Bahria Dispatch Services couldn’t be easier! Simply Email us at sales@bahria.ltd . The entire process takes a few minutes and can be done on any device including your smart phone or tablet. Our US-based representatives will return a call within 24 hours helping you chose perfect plan that suits your needs and will guide you further.
Do I need my own MC authority?
What kind of trucking companies do you work with?
We work with Owner Operators with as little as one truck as well as carriers with many company drivers. Our biggest customer has fleet of 200+ units.
What are the benefits of working with Bahria Dispatch Services?
There are many benefits of working with Bahria Dispatch Services! Throughout our website you can read all of them, but the biggest and most important benefit is savings up to 87% comparing to in-house dispatchers.
Will I need to fill out broker packets?
Absolutely not! Once you complete our registration, we’ll have everything we need to get you set-up and loaded.
Can I decline a load?
You’re not required to take every load that’s offered. We work hard to find loads that fulfill your requirements, but you’re able to decline any loads you don’t want to take. We ask that you define your requirements and communicate with our dispatch agents so as to save everyone time and headaches.
Do I need to use Bahria Dispatch Services for all of my trucks and trailers?
No, you’re not required to use all of your available equipment, but we would strongly recommend you let your dispatcher know about every piece of operable equipment you have available. Sometimes certain deals come up which aren’t posted on load boards and require a specific piece of equipment you may have, and the broker contacts us directly. These types of loads generally pay very well and it only helps us to know about your fleet.
What's the process of booking a load?
Our agents will stay in contact with you and/or your drivers to obtain their current location and ETA to delivery. Once we know where you are and where you’re going, we’ll begin working on getting you a reload. Once a qualified load is found, our agents will begin to gather information and negotiate rates. We’ll always contact you for approval on every load so there’s nothing to worry about. If you agree to the load offer, we will begin the set-up process, completing packets, requesting insurance certificates, and submitting the necessary documents to the broker. Once complete we will sign the rate confirmation, dispatch you or your driver, and send you the original rate confirmation for your records.
Are you double brokering loads?
Since we’re not brokers to begin with, by definition we are not double brokering loads. Many brokers will not allow double brokered loads and many more will not pay the invoice if they find out a load has been double brokered. We are strictly a trucking dispatch agency which represents their carriers and owner-operators. We believe this to be the best, most honest, and the only way to remain transparent way to do business.
How do we get paid?
When the load is booked under carrier’s company name, same company name is put on the rate confirmation by the broker and only you as the company owner is authorized to received funds. Funds from tendered loads do not go through our operations, but rather as a performance measurement for our low commission. Every week we send carrier an invoice and are only paid by the carrier.